The insight I have developed through successfully raising a family with children who have autism both with and without a learning disability and working for an Essex-based charity, has inspired me to set up my own consultancy to share my knowledge and experience with others.
I have a vocation to educate others so that individuals with autism are better understood and are given the support they require to lead meaningful and happy lives. The autism awareness training I offer is flexible to meet your specific requirements and can be adapted so that it is a perfect fit for your training needs.
I have extensive experience and know how in setting up and running support groups for children and adults with autism, women, spouses, families and carers.
I have a wealth of direct experience working with people who have autism and their families; my individual consultations are a fantastic way of identifying areas particular to you and together we can create a tailor-made solution package.
My passion for understanding autism led me to studying with the University of Birmingham to further my theoretical knowledge of the condition. This has enabled me to have a broad-ranging understanding of current practice, research and strategies to meet the needs of individuals with autism in various settings.
I am excited about sharing my knowledge and experience with others and to compliment my other skills and experience I have completed a counselling course and have received training in providing legally based information to support the parents of children with Special Educational Needs and/or a disability.

I have expertise and experience developing and managing a number of projects aimed at supporting groups of people autism and their families.
I work with employment, education, health, mental health and social care departments to improve and develop services for people with autism and their families and I have developed an extensive number of beneficial contacts throughout these fields.
I offer information and guidance in areas such as welfare benefits, education and applying for an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), lodging an appeal with the SEND Tribunal; how to access support; obtaining and maintaining work; and how to develop social skills and plan for the future.
In my individual support work, I provide a safe and confidential service which is effective because of my own experience of the difficulties faced by this group and, because of my knowledge and contacts I have made.